
This Video Was Made from 400,000 Photos of Comet 67p Taken by Rosetta

From 2014 to 2016, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft followed the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67p) around space: collecting scientific data, sending a probe to its surface, and capturing some 400,000 photographs of the comet. This cinematic video was made from those photos.

Flipping Photographs Upside Down Turns Ordinary Portraits into Strange Alien Faces

Self-help author Wayne Dyer once wrote that, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Photographer Anelia Loubser of Cape Town, South Africa used this quote as the basis for her project titled "Alienation.

The series consists of contrasty portraits that have been flipped upside down, turning the ordinary faces into strange, alien mugs.

Photograph Otherworldly Environments Using a Fish Tank, Salt Water, and Dyes

If you want to capture photographs or videos of otherworldly environments without using any computer generated imagery, one way is to create miniature worlds in your garage using a fish tank and salt water (a technique that has been used in numerous Hollywood movies). The video above is a tutorial on this trick by filmmaker and visual effects guru Joey Shanks.