Instagram Now Lets You Create an AI Version of Yourself

A screen displays options to create an AI character. One option shows "Custom AI character" with a color gradient icon. Another option titled "Fellow fan" shows a woman holding popcorn, with keywords "Learn, Connection". A back arrow is visible at the top left.

Instagram now lets users create AI versions of themselves which can talk to their followers on their behalf.

In a blog post published on Monday, Meta announced it was rolling out a new feature called “AI Studio” in the U.S. which lets Instagram users create their own AI characters.

Two mobile screens display options for creating an AI character. The left screen shows a woman with popcorn as a horror movie fan. The right screen shows a man in boxing gloves as an MMA enthusiast. Each has a "Customize AI character" button at the bottom.

Any Instagram user can create their own AI character which is “designed to make you laugh, generate memes, give travel advice and so much more.” These virtual characters can be designed with customer personalities, traits, and interests.

“Your AI can be just for you, or you can share it with your followers and friends, and even make it available for anyone to discover and chat with on Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and web,” Meta says in the blog post.

However, creators on Instagram will be able to build an AI as an extension of themselves to reach more fans.

Creators will be able to use these AI extensions of themselves to talk to their followers on their behalf. They’ll be able to talk directly with humans in chat threads and respond to comments on their author’s account.

“With AI Studio, Instagram creators can set up an AI as an extension of themselves that can quickly answer common DM questions and story replies,” Meta writes.

“Whether it’s sharing facts about themselves or linking to their favorite brands and past videos, creator AIs can help creators reach more people and fans get responses faster.”

Photographer Creates ‘What Lens Bro’ AI Character

As an example, Meta mentioned how photographer and videographer Angel Barclay created an AI called “Whats Lens Bro” that offers tips on finding the perfect lens for a shot.

A screen capture of a social media post by the user "angelbarclay" with an AI assistant named "What Lens Bro?". The post saying, “Show me the milky way shot on a 12mm”. Below is a note about AI-generated messages with icons for "Creator" and "Share".
Photographer Angel Barclay created an AI called ‘What Lens Bro’ which advises users on the best camera gear for a shot.

In a video announcing the launch of the AI, Barclay says he is constantly asked for advice from followers about what camera gear they should use. So the photographer created What Lens Bro “that you can ask all the technical questions about gear and so much more.”

In the clip, Barclay shows how What Lens Bro can generate an AI image of what a burger would look like shot on a 50mm lens or what the Milky Way would like captured on a 12mm lens.

Creators can customize their AI based on things like their Instagram content, topics to avoid, and links they want it to share. Creators can decide who their AI replies to and Meta says that responses from creator AIs are clearly labeled, so that there is full transparency for fans.

Meta says Instagram users in the U.S. can get started with AI Studio via either its website or on the Instagram app.

To get started building an AI character, users should visit or start a new message on Instagram and then tap “AI chats.” Meta has also created an “AI Studio Handbook” which offers instructions on how to make a character with the tool.


Image credits: All photos via Meta and Angel Barclay.
