New Fujifilm 400 Color Negative Film Probably Replaces Superia X-TRA 400
Fujifilm is poised to release a new 400 Color Negative film soon to, presumably, replace the Superia X-TRA 400 film that now shows as discontinued or out of stock at U.S. retailers.
While Fujifilm hasn’t updated its website, Kosmo Foto reports that B&H Photo has listed a new 400 Color Negative film that is set to arrive “soon” — though an exact release time was not revealed. Moment also has it listed on its website, but it is “out of stock.”
Fujifilm 400 Color Negative is described as a high-speed, daylight-balanced, 35mm color negative film with a wide exposure latitude and fine grain structure with consistent and accurate colors. The film is ISO 400 and is developed in the C-41 process.
“With a nominal sensitivity of 400 ISO, this versatile stock can serve a multitude of applications under a wide range of lighting conditions,” the product description reads. “From sun-drenched vacation snaps to a flash-lit night scene, this color film is designed to produce quality prints.”

Fujifilm currently only shows two styles in its “consumer film” section: one is the Fujifilm 200 which was released in 2021 and the other is Superia X-TRA 400, which appears to be on its way out. In addition to showing the new Fujifilm 400 film, B&H also lists the Superia X-TRA 400 35mm film as “discontinued,” indicating that it is being phased out despite the fact that Fujifilm itself hasn’t said as much officially as of publication.
The similarity of Superia X-TRA 400 and the new Fujifilm 400 — at least in use case — lends credence to the theory that the company is replacing one with the other. This should not come as a surprise since Fujifilm did the same thing with the other consumer film it offers, albeit in a more subtle way. The Fujifilm Fujicolor 200 that was originally launched in 2019 had a completely different specification than the newest version that was launched in December of 2021 and the packaging was also changed. It was widely theorized that it was simply a rebrand of Kodak Gold 400.
Over the last few years, Fujifilm has repeatedly issued notices that showed it was having difficulty meeting the demand for a variety of film stocks, so the shift from Superia X-TRA 400 to Fujifilm 400 might just be a change it had to make in order to continue to offer a 400 ISO color film at all. For example, the company recently announced that it would have to halt the sale of some film stocks in Japan due to a lack of materials.
Expect the new Fujifilm 400 to become available soon for the price of $10 per roll.