What is a .Photography Domain and Why Do You Need One?

One of the best things about photography is it is an art form that is currently easily accessible to practically everyone. From creatives shooting on analog systems with film to professionals with the latest and most powerful DSLR and mirrorless systems to influencers working with a smartphone. No matter what is being used, everyone can capture life’s most important moments.

Full disclosure: This article was sponsored by Identity Digital.

The next step is figuring out the best way to share those moments (and your expertise in the field) with the world. While the default answer is to simply set up a website, picking the right name, and domain, will help get attention and drive traffic to your site.

The right domain name will add a level of professional credibility to your business and brand which can separate you from the thousands of other competitors in the industry, as well as provide some much-needed visibility for your brand. A .photography domain shows prospective clients exactly who you are, what you do, and that you’re serious about your craft.

While the images and written content on your website will go a long way in representing you and your brand, the true impactful first impression comes from the name they type in when visiting your website since it is the first thing that visitors will see.

This is why your work deserves a .photography domain. Let’s be frank, the .photography domain clearly defines your brand, business, and specialty as a photographer and leaves nothing to the imagination of potential clients. If you are a photographer that wants to show the world and reinforce what you offer to the world, setting up your business with a .photography domain will clearly label you as an expert in the field. Your portfolio, business details, and anything photography-related will work great with this type of domain name.

While I had been doing photography work on the side with a website already up and running for a few years at this point, when the .photography domains first launched back in February of 2014 that was about the time I made the jump into doing creative work my full-time gig. As such, I quickly bought davidjcrewe.photography and pointed it to my existing website as an added level of brand identity.

Since the internet is accessible to the entire planet, it might be the case that the website name of your choice might already be taken in the .com form, making the .photography version of it even better tailored to establish who you are and what you do. Regardless of your current proficiency level, a .photography domain extension will show the world that you have taken the craft seriously and have built a website with an SEO-optimized domain.

Some well known photographers who have already leveraged this domain include Alvis Lazarus (India), Sara Dear (West coast/San Fran), Masters of Photography (UK-based), and Sean Tucker (UK).

These Top Level Domains (TLDs) offer creatives an opportunity to be direct, clear, and concise with their name, eliminating any chance of looking unprofessional with an arbitrary domain name. Since these websites are often the first means of contact for a potential client, the domains should align with what you do as a professional and have it serve as a reminder to anyone visiting your website.

Learn more at buildyour.photography

Full disclosure: This article was sponsored by Identity Digital. .Photography is part of the Identity Digital portfolio of domain extensions.

Image credits: Photos from Depositphotos
