Photographer Captures Hikers as High-Fashion Models on a 2,653-Mile Hike

Photographer Tommy Corey spent months thru-hiking the 2,653-mile Pacific Crest Trail that spans California, Oregon, and Washington. Along the way, he photographed his fellow long-distance hikers as though they were high-fashion models. The project is called Hiker Trash Vogue, and Corey’s beautiful 7-minute video above tells the story of how it came to be.

Over the course of the hike, which usually takes 4 to 6 months to complete from start to finish, Corey photographed hundreds of hikers.

“The twist to this project? Everyone photographed hasn’t showered in days (sometimes weeks), their tans are actually dirt,” Corey says, “and they probably smell like s**t.”

Corey has published Hiker Trash Vogue as book that’s available for $115 through his website. You can also find more of his work on his website and Instagram.

Image credits: Photographs by Tommy Corey and used with permission
