Photographer Gets Rape Threats for Hairy Female Legs in Adidas Photo

A 25-year-old Swedish photographer and model says she has received rape threats after appearing in an Adidas advertising campaign photo baring her hairy legs.

Arvida Byström, who boasts over 192,000 followers on Instagram, was featured last week in an “Icons of Tomorrow” campaign for the giant sportswear brand Adidas. The photographer, who does not shave, was shown wearing Adidas’ new Superstar sneakers.

“Using creativity to forge a better tomorrow, it is our values that make a #SUPERSTAR,” writes Adidas. “Arvida Byström (@arvidabystrom) is an artist, photographer, model and cyber sensation. Known for her photography, which questions femininity and gender standards using so-called ‘girly’ aesthetics.”

But Byström has received backlash since the ad campaign started running. In addition to critical comments and a high percentage of downvotes on the YouTube video, Byström says she has been personally threatened for the photo.

“My photo from the @adidasoriginals superstar campaign got a lot of nasty comments last week,” the photographer writes. “Literally I’ve been getting rape threats in my DM inbox.”

“Also thanks for all the love,” Byström adds. “Got a lot of that too.”
