Photolemur Uses A.I. to Auto-Enhance Any Photo with Zero Input
Photolemur is a new photo-editing program that claims to be “the world’s first fully automated photo enhancement solution.” It uses artificial intelligence to auto-enhance any photo with minimal human involvement.
“Photolemur’s mission is to bridge the gap between what our eyes see and what our cameras record,” says CMO Nazar Begen. “Photolemur doesn’t alter the reality of your photos, but makes them more beautiful and natural. Just like what you saw when you took the photos. Plus it doesn’t require learning or even heavy involvement. It does everything for you.”
At the core of the software is a self-learning algorithm that analyzes things inside your photos in a split second — things like faces, colors, and objects. It then attempts to correct aspects of the photo that are traditionally done by humans during post-processing. Things like color recovery, sky enhancement, exposure compensation, noise reduction, smart dehaze, natural light correction, and foliage enhancement.
After it auto-enhances your photo, it notes whether or not you save the resulting image. Based on the history of what you saved and what you didn’t, the software continues to learn your tastes and adjust its edits according to the history of successful ones.
Photolemur can process both RAW files and multiple files at once, allowing you to quickly touch up a collection of shots in just moments rather than hours or days.
Here are some before-and-after examples of actual photos that have been auto-enhanced with Photolemur:
A free beta version of Photolemur was just released for Mac, and the Windows release is set for late 2016 or early 2017. The team is working on releasing the software for browsers and mobile devices as well. No word yet on what the price will be when the beta period ends in November 2016 and the app officially launches afterward.