Clever Flour Trick Lets You Add Custom Textures in Photoshop
Here’s a really neat trick you’ll want to add to your photo editing tool chest. When you’re wanting to add a specific texture to some background, you can simply use flour and the “Multiply” blending mode to create any texture you like.
Just create the texture you like for your photo using flour, then use the Multiply blending mode to combine it with your background plate and mask out the parts you don’t want the texture to show up. That’s how you combine these:
To make this:
Here are a couple more examples Felix sent over to us. Super simple technique with solid results:
We hope you enjoyed this useful little trick. To see more of Felix’ work, head over to his website or give him a follow on Facebook, 500px, or Instagram. And don’t forget to check out some of his previous work featured on PetaPixel.