Recreating an Iconic 60s Fashion Photo with the Original Photographer’s Help

Trying to copy an iconic fashion photograph by the great David Bailey is a daunting task in the best of circumstances. But how much more daunting would it be if you were doing this shoot with Bailey standing behind you, looking over your shoulder and making sure you do his work justice?

That’s what fashion and portrait photographer John Rankin Waddell (AKA Rankin) did last year when he staged a shoot to try and copy one of his favorite Bailey photographs.

Now Rankin is no slouch of a photographer, but anyone would be nervous trying to recreate a beautiful shot by a photographer of Bailey’s caliber… while Bailey is heckling you off-camera. Check out the video up top to see how Rankin did, and let us know which portrait you prefer (and why) in the comments down below.
