A Printer That Can Cook a Photo of Your Face Into a Pancake
Remember that Taiwanese machine that can print a photo of your face onto the foam of a latte? Here’s something along the same lines that’s just as quirky: there’s a new printer that can cook a photo of your face into a pancake.
This method causes different portions of the pancake to cook to different colors, allowing a photograph to emerge.
If you’re still confused, here’s a video showing how this layer cooking technique can be done manually by hand (this is more of a drawing than a photo being printed, though; a machine is much more precise):
Kinneir Dufort’s pancake photo printer uses a digital camera, embedded face recognition and tracking software, and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology to capture a face and dispense the batter in exactly the right places.
They think restaurants could use the technology to provide a fun and interactive experience for diners in the future. Imagine walking into a restaurant, posing for a quick photo, and then seeing your face smiling back at you from the pancake that emerges from the kitchen. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes, and this latest invention shows that it’s definitely possible.
(via Kinneir Dufort via Laughing Squid)
Image credits: Photographs by Kinneir Dufort