Simple Trick Allows You to Transfer Images Onto Wood Using Only an Inkjet Printer

In what is one of the coolest photography hacks I’ve seen in a while, Steve Ramsey from Woodworking for Mere Mortals shows you how to easily create a print-transfer to wood using nothing more than your standard inkjet printer.

There are many difficult ways to go about putting your photos on wood, but if you’re looking for something quick and cheap, this method will probably turn into your go-to. All you need is an inkjet printer, a non-porous surface (such as the left-over glossy piece of paper left behind from an address label sheet) a piece of wood (preferably light in color), and some lacquer to protect the image once transferred. It’s also worth noting that the wood used needs to be coating-free initially.

Go ahead and check out the quick, two-minute video and see the results for yourself. Sure, this isn’t going to be a method you use for client prints or anything, but it’s definitely a fun and simple project to play around with at home when you’re bored this weekend.

(via Lifehacker)
