Light Painting Meets CGI In This Incredible BTS Look at a Unique Collaboration

Showing just how productive and intuitive collaboration can be, Montreal-based photographer Eric Paré and Michigan-based digital artist Mike Campau got together to create some incredible work that takes advantage of their individual skill sets.

Using Paré’s photography and light-painting abilities and Campau’s CGI, image design and retouching skill, this video gives us a behind the scene look at a series the two worked on for the Ten Collection by Fotolia.

The video itself is a great watch that shows just how open the two were to working with each other in an effort to reach their end goal. Paré does a great job of explaining some of the tools and processes he uses to paint around his models with light, while Campau gives equally-rich insight into the tools and process behind how he replicates the strokes of light and properly places them into the final composition.

Eric was kind enough to send us some exclusive behind the scenes shots, as well as a few of the final light painting photos for you to look at:









Coming in at just over 13 minutes, the video doesn’t qualify as a quick watch, but it offers a great, thorough look at the collaboration process and exactly how the resulting images came to be from start to finish. Plus, it’s a great dose of inspiration with which to start off your weekend.

Be sure to give it a watch, browse through the photos and let us know what you think in the comments. And if you’d like to see even more of the behind the scenes of this project, you can check out Campau’s blog post about it by clicking here.

Image credits: Photographs by Eric Paré and used with permission
