Time-Lapse Photos of Embryos May Lead to Heathier In-Vitro Babies

Embryo at 6 weeks

An interesting new imaging technique in use by fertility experts at the CARE fertility clinic in the United Kingdom may be the key to increasing the likelihood of a successful a IVF therapy. The process involves snapping thousands of images of embryos in development in order to help doctors better select which embryos to implant successfully.

“With time-lapse we have the ability to view more than 5,000 images over the same time period to observe and measure more closely each stage of division and growth. As a result of continuous monitoring we have demonstrated that delays at defined points indicate abnormal development,” said embryology director Alison Campbell at CARE.

The study shows a 56 percent increase in live birth following the use of the technique, but some experts are expressing their concern that the sample size of 69 couples could be too small to make this an absolute solution at this time.

“The advantage of using morphokinetic analysis to predict outcome is its minimal invasiveness,” says Martin Johnson, editor of Reproductive BioMedicine Online.

It’s an interesting concept to use imaging in order to help couples give birth to healthy babies, but the future for this process, at least at this time, is uncertain.

(via The Independent via International Business Times)

Image credit: Embryo @ 6- 7 weeks by lunar caustic
