Google Glass Developer Lets His 2-Year-Old Give it a Go, Cuteness Ensues

For now, if you want to get your child’s point of view on anything, the best approach is to mount a helmet cam to their noggin and hope they don’t mind — so far we’ve seen a few cute videos filmed this way. But in the near future, the best way to get your 2-year-old’s point of view may be by handing them a pair of Google Glass glasses.

That’s what developer Chris Angelini did when his 2-year-old came calling for juice. The results are pretty darn cute.

Beyond enjoying the cute (and loud) toddler’s quest for juice, the video does give us a little bit of review info on the Google Glass camera. For one, it seems low light isn’t Google Glass’ strong suit. In the dim kitchen light (and especially given that the little one is staring up at the lights, forcing the glasses to compensate) everything looks pretty dark.


Another noticeable weakness is that there is no image stabilization, a problem that becomes apparent when the video is trying to compete with a toddler’s unsteady gait. And he’s finally “done” with his cool glasses when they start getting hot, a problem Google will definitely have to address given that these things spend a majority of their time on and right next to your face.

All that aside, just like the hide and seek video we shared before, the video’s primary function is get you to go “awww!” while suppressing your abject terror at the thought that he might break a $1,500 pair of glasses.
