10 Most Popular PetaPixel Posts of 2012


Wowzers. Time flies! As we come to the end of another year of blogging about the wonderful world of photography, here’s a roundup of the top 10 most popular posts of the past 12 months. It’s a list of advice, inspiration, creativity, and interesting news stories.

  1. This Photograph is Not Free
  2. Why Wedding Photographers’ Prices are “Wack”
  3. Photographer Sues Apple Over the Use of Her Photo to Promote the Retina Display
  4. Teen Girl Shoots Beautiful and Creative Portraits of Her Pet Dogs
  5. Flashed Face Distortion Effect Makes Ordinary Portraits Look Hideous
  6. Photographs of Mirrors on Easels that Look Like Paintings in the Desert
  7. Usain Bolt Nabs Photographer’s DSLR, Snaps Awesome POV Shots
  8. Process This Negative With Your Brain
  9. How to Increase the Performance of Your Canon Kit Lens
  10. 32-Year-Old Man Has a Conversation with His 12-Year-Old Self

Image credit: Fireworks by bayasaa
