Metaphysics of an Urban Landscape: New York City Filled with Shadows

Metaphysics of an Urban Landscape is an ongoing series of photographs by Milan-based photographer Gabriele Croppi that features high-contrast, black-and-white photographs of major cities around the world. His images often feature a single subject illuminated by a slice of sunlight in front of a background filled with shadows and negative space. His photographs of New York City are especially striking, as a normally chaotic city is turned into a silent play of light and darkness.

In addition to New York City, Croppi has used the same technique in other major cities around the world, including Paris, Moscow, Rome, and London.

Croppi was won a number of awards for his work, most notably the 2011 European Photo Exhibition Award. He currently works in the publishing industry in Milan and teaches at the Italian Institute of Photography. You can see more of his photographs over on his website.

Metaphysics of an Urban Landscape: New York [Gabriele Croppi via mashKULTURE]

Image credits: Photographs by Gabriele Croppi and used with permission
