Canadian Prime Minister Randomly Drops in on Couple’s Wedding Photos
Wedding photographers always try to prepare themselves for unexpected events and unplanned photo ops, but there’s no way photographer Laura Kelly was expecting what happened this past weekend. While photographing couple Jocelyne Potvin and Patrick Sullivan on their wedding day, an unexpected guest came in to the frame: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Three black cars all in a row pull into the parking lot. And someone jokingly says, “I bet you it’s the Prime Minister or something!”
We laugh, and move on with our photo taking.
But then as the cars were preparing to leave the little parking lot (that couldn’t have held more than 20 cars or so), they stopped. And 20 seconds went by. And wouldn’t you know it, Mr. Stephen Harper himself came over to wish the Bride & Groom a happy wedding day!
For American wedding photographers, this would be the equivalent of President Obama showing up and jumping into the shot.
Turns out Mr. Harper’s caravan was passing through the area. When the Prime Minister noticed what was going on, he decided to step out and congratulate the couple on their happy day — resulting in special photos and an experience neither will soon forget.
You can find more photos of the encounter over on Kelly’s blog.
Image credits: Photographs by Laura Kelly