Photographs Shot Using Olympus’ Quirky 15mm Body Cap Lens
One of the stranger announcements last month was Olympus’ new 15mm lens that doubles as a body cap for your camera. If you’ve been wondering, how the quirky $110 lens performs, check out these sample photos by UK photographer Peter Norman shot using an Olympus OM-D EM-5.
You can click any of the sample shots in this post to see the original high-res version:
It looks like the image quality is better than what “body cap lens” suggests, which is good, since paying more than $100 for a body cap that snaps abysmal pictures would be pretty ridiculous.
You can find more of Norman’s sample photos in this Flickr set.
(via 1001 Noisy Cameras)
Update: Commenters have pointed out that the lens only costs $60 in the US. Not bad.
Image credits: Photographs by Peter Norman and used with permission