The 5 Most Artistic Satellite Photographs of Earth Captured by NASA

Satellite photographs of Earth are often abstract and artsy, filled with strange colors, shapes, and textures. Some resemble the paintings of old masters, while others look like microscopic slides studied in biology classes. NASA’s LandSat has snapped images from space for 40 years now, with many of the images going into a special collection by the U.S. Geological Survey called “Earth as Art“. NASA recently decided to run a photo beauty contest to find out which of the satellite images in its collection are the most artistic.
Over 14,000 people ended up voting on the collection of 120+ images. The image above came in at number 5. It’s titled “Lake Eyre Landsat 5 Acquired 8/5/2006”.
#4: Algerian Abstract Landsat 5 Acquired 4/8/1985

#3: Meandering Mississippi Landsat 7 Acquired 5/28/2003

#2: Yukon Delta Landsat 7 Acquired 9/22/2002

#1: Van Gogh from Space Landsat 7 Acquired 7/13/2005

If you had to give each of these photographs an “artistic name”, what would you name them? Leave a comment with your answer!
(via NASA via TheDigitalVisual)
Image credits: Photographs by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/USGS