Your Own Personal Google Street View Camera Kit

Contrary to popular belief, Google can’t be everywhere at once (they’re working on it), and one of the most obvious examples of this limitation is the extent of Street View functionality in Google Maps. Of course, tons of roads and even some obscure neighborhoods have been mapped out with street view, but all too often your own front yard is left un-street-viewable. And while that may not be much of a tragedy for most people, those that would rather change that now have the option to with DIY Street View’s new Street View Camera System.

The system, which consists of an elevated 6 sensor camera, stitches together 30-megapixel images, complete with geotags, on the fly. And you can select the accessory of your choice depending on what you’re trying to map out. If you want to create a street view map of your neighborhood that people can reference for directions you can use their car mount. If, on the other hand, you’re showing your home off to potential buyers online, you can just stick the camera in DIY Street View’s specially designed backpack. The possibilities are pretty broad.

Sadly, the only thing you can’t do is supplement Google Maps itself. The street views you create will be interactive in the same way, and embeddable into your own website, but that’s where the sharing ends. If you want more info on the camera system and all of the accessories available for it, head over to DIY Street Views website and grab yourself a product brochure. Fair warning: you will have to fill out a contact form to get pricing info… which is never a good sign.
