You Can Make a ‘Centriphone’ Using a Wooden Coat Hanger
Back in February 2016, skier Nicolas Vuignier captured the worlds imagination with a video shot using his “Centriphone,” a plastic glider that lets you swing a camera around your head and have the lens constantly pointed toward you. For their latest music video, Indie pop duo Matt & Kim created their own centriphone… using a wooden coat hanger and some fishing wire.
The duo also decided to use a GoPro instead of an iPhone for its durability, just in case the camera goes flying off a roof and lands in someone’s backyard (which happened during their shoot).
Here’s the resulting music video for the song “Let’s Run Away” — the footage is disorienting at normal speed but pretty awesome when slowed down:
“We had such a great time shooting this,” write Matt & Kim. “Just the two of us with a camera on a coat hanger, running around Brooklyn like a couple of idiots.”