How to Take Quality Product Shots for an Online Store
There are many niches in photography, but one we don’t talk about often is taking product photos. Even though these types of shots don’t fall under the professional umbrella — we’re not talking professional product photography, just product shots for an online store — almost everyone at one time or another has had to sell something on eBay or (not for the faint of heart) Craigslist.
And so, we thought we’d share this short “how to” video that Jessica Marquez of Miniature Rhino put together for Etsy. It offers beginners a few basic tips that can help take your product shots (and hopefully sales) to the next level.
The video consists of four helpful hints that, when followed, can help your product shots stand out from the crowd. The hints are: experiment, edit your photos, keep your products in context and answer questions.
By experiment, Marquez means that you should try out different angles, different backdrops, and alternate lighting. Don’t just settle on the first snap you take. It’ll also help to edit your photos, be that cropping, or some small lighting and contrast adjustments, to make them pop.
Keeping you products in context means photographing them in a way that highlights their use — help your customer visualize themselves using whatever it is you’re selling. A camera is rarely used on its back on bricks (are you listening Mr. Stallone?).
And finally, by answer questions, Marquez means that you should take the time to consider what questions your prospective buyers would like the photos to address. What questions would you have about a camera or accessory that you were buying on eBay that you think the photos should be able to answer?
They’re simple tips, and may seem common sensical, but it helps to keep them in mind for the next time you’re selling gear (or anything really) online. It could help make the difference between getting noticed or getting passed up. For more helpful tips, check out Etsy’s product photography page by clicking here.