Make a DIY Rain Guard for Your Camera Using a Plastic CD Spindle Cover


In the past, we’ve shared how you can create a cheap and simple rain cover for your camera and lens using a Ziploc bag. While that solution is effective in protecting your gear, it might make it a bit difficult to adjust your lens and operate the rings.

If you’d like a little more access to your lens, you can also create a rain guard using the plastic cylindrical cover that comes with writable optical discs.

Digital Camera World writes that the build involves slicing a hole into the top of the cylinder for your lens to see through, and then attaching some plastic sheet to shield the rest of the camera and your body from the water drops.

You can also use a second CD stack cover to create an adjustable extension, further protecting the front of your lens from water drops.

So the basic ingredients list consists of one or two CD stack covers, some gaffers tape, and a large-ish sheet of plastic material. Head on over to DCW to follow along with their step-by-step build instructions.

Why a Blank CD Case Is the Perfect Rain Guard for Your Lens [Digital Camera World]
