
Are Some Photographers Too Grumpy?

A few months ago, I published a podcast called The Photographers Conflict which addressed some of the conflicts that photographers seem to have with each other.

Flickr Pro Users Upset that Other Users are Now Seeing Ads in Pro Photostreams

Update: We've received an official response from Flickr, which you can read at the bottom.

In the past, paying Flickr for an Ad-Free experience had a dual meaning: you wouldn't see ads, and neither would the users who looked at your photographs. That definition, it seems, has changed, as some disgruntled Pro users are reporting that every 4th or 5th photo on their streams is now a full-size ad when viewed from a free user's account.

Flickr Users Cry Foul as Yahoo Introduces New Toolbar

Yahoo can't seem to catch a break where Flickr users are concerned. Just as everyone is coming to terms with the redesign that stirred a bit of an uproar on the Flickr forums, the company has introduced a new toolbar at the top of every page that has users upset yet again.

Parents Unhappy About Where Their Son Was Placed in His Class Photograph

School portraits don't often make the news for causing controversy, but that's exactly what the class photo above has been doing over in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. Parents of the boy seen on the right side of the frame were unhappy after receiving the photo and finding that their son had been set apart from his classmates and teacher due to the fact that he uses a wheelchair.