
Portraits of Dogs Wearing the Cone of Shame

If there's one things dogs don't like, it's the Elizabethan collar, popularly known as the "cone of shame" or the "pet lamp-shade." It's a protective medical device that's also commonly used by owners to discipline dogs when they do something bad.

For his new project titled Timeout, photographer Ty Foster shot a series of portraits of dogs that captures the sadness and embarrassment caused by wearing the cone of shame.

Adorable Studio Portraits of Dogs Mid-Lick

Cats might be the belles of the Internet photography ball, but I'm a dog person and I'll be damned if cats get all the recognition. Photographer Carli Davidson's series Shake was a giant leap in the right direction, and now another canine advocate and photographer has stepped forward with his own series of portraits.

His name is Ty Foster, and where Davidson's series captured dogs mid shake, Foster's series Lick captures them in the middle of licking their own face.