Powerful Portraits of People Living in Areas Threatened by Rising Sea Levels
Photographer Nick Brandt is engaged in a series of projects focusing on climate change with his latest installment looking at the rise in sea levels.
Photographer Nick Brandt is engaged in a series of projects focusing on climate change with his latest installment looking at the rise in sea levels.
Nick Brandt is a conservation photographer whose themes highlight humankind's destructive impact on animals and the natural world. The Day May Break – Chapter Two was shot in Bolivia, a country in western-central South America, over six weeks in February-March 2022.
Famed photographer Nick Brandt's latest project The Day May Break portrays people and animals that have been impacted by environmental degradation and destruction.
To highlight human destruction of animal habitats in East Africa, photographer Nick Brandt shot giant panoramas of life-size animal prints in their former habitats. The project is titled Inherit the Dust.
Lake Natron in Northern Tanzania is extremely high in soda and salt content. After animals die in the lake, their carcasses are preserved through calcification as they dry, resulting in petrified "mummies" of birds and bats.
Photographer Nick Brandt visited the lake and captured a series of photos that features these petrified animals. The series is aptly titled Petrified.