
Angelo Pelle M-Etropolis Review: $275 Sneakers for Street Photographers

For over six years, I have closely followed the progress of Angelo Pelle, an independent Italian camera accessories and leather goods company that offers what I already considered to be some of the very best handmade leather camera straps and camera cases I have had a chance to use.

A Quick Look at Using Negative Space in Photos

Negative space in photography, design, sculpture, or any other creative pursuit is equally as important as is positive space in overall composition.

A Look at Symmetry in Photography

I recently discussed the rule of thirds and leading lines in photography. In this article, I'll cover symmetry and include some of my own symmetry photography examples to illustrate this.

An Intro to the Rule of Thirds in Photography

Learn photography rules, learn to apply them, learn their advantages and limitations. Finally, learn to bend them, break them and explore beyond them.

A Simple Business Guide for New Photographers

As a professional photographer for quite a few years now, I thought some of you may be interested in some photography business advice and tips through this entry-level straightforward photography business guide.

Leading Lines in Photography

Leading lines in photography are existing lines within the frame of a photograph which the photographer has deliberately aligned/arranged (prior to taking the photo) by adjusting their composition either shifting their body or camera. It should result in lines which “lead” to the subject, increasing the focus of the viewer, allowing for a more enjoyable viewing experience.

The Best Lens for Street Photography

For street photography, the choice of cameras and lenses is, simply put, huge. So where do we start? What IS the best lens for street photography?

Street Photography Ethics and Respect

Street photography ethics are a touchy subject and I am not talking of street photography rules but rather more how photographers choose to behave. When shooting (candid) street photography in London or anywhere else, many street photographers seem to leave their values at home as soon as they head out to photograph strangers.