
Underwater Fantasy Shoot in Bali: 7 Divers, 2 Models and 1 Underwater Shipwreck

No photoshoot goes off without a hitch. But with the correct amount of planning in the way of a vision, schedule, proper team and backup equipment, the risk that you'll run into a big hitch is dramatically reduced.

One photographer who seems to have mastered putting all of those components together seamlessly is Benjamin Von Wong, but it took all of his skill and more to make sure that his most recent crazy adventure came together seamlessly.

Curious Octopus Attempts to Snag Entire Underwater SLR Rig from Diver

Sea creatures are out to get your cameras. Don't believe us? Well the evidence is overwhelmingly in our favor. Sharks, crabs and manta rays have all tried to snatch photography equipment from unsuspecting camera men and women in the past, and this video shows that octopuses (octopi? moosen?) are trying to get in on the action as well.

Divers Capture What It’s Like to Almost Get Eaten by a Massive Whale

If you're afraid of swimming in the ocean due to a fear of the unknown below you, you might want to skip over the post. A group of divers off the coast of California got a scare recently when they had an extremely close call with large humpback whales. They almost found themselves in the mouths of the feeding whales, and multiple cameras were there to capture what happened (note: the video above contains some strong language).

The Hilariously Contorted Faces of Divers in Mid-Air

Diving is one of the most popular Olympic sports among spectators, and arguably one of the most graceful. The faces of the divers as they perform their acrobatics? Not so graceful.

ShortList Magazine took Getty photographs of divers and then cropped out their distorted faces. G-forces have quite a negative effect on beauty...