
Split image: On the left, a whale's tail fluke emerges from the ocean at sunset, shimmering with water droplets. On the right, a close-up of a curious seal under water, its whiskers and large eyes highlighted against a greenish-blue backdrop.

A Photographer’s Mission to Save the Ocean Begins With Powerful Images

National Geographic photographer Brian Skerry has spent decades diving around the globe, telling the stories of the world's oceans. For his latest projects, years in the making, he has been much closer to home, documenting the unprecedented -- and deadly -- changes happening in the Gulf of Maine, the waters Skerry grew up visiting as a child on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Vibrant coral reef scene with a symmetrical arrangement featuring various types and colors of coral, including pink, red, green, and yellow, surrounded by clear blue water. The mirrored effect creates a visually stunning, kaleidoscopic underwater landscape.

Hypnotic Underwater Photos Show Coral Reefs in Kaleidoscopic Beauty

When Georgette Apol Douwma hung up her diving gear in 2020 at 79 years old, she did so with a vast catalog of beautiful underwater photos, many focusing on coral reefs and their inhabitants. She dove all around the world and is now revisiting some of her images, processing them with a kaleidoscopic look that is thoroughly mesmerizing.

A Javan rhinoceros wanders through a dense tropical forest, partially obscured by thick foliage and a foreground tree trunk, evoking a serene, natural atmosphere.

Adorable Javan Rhino Calf Caught on Camera, One of About 80 Still Alive

Camera traps are instrumental for wildlife biologists and conservationists to monitor the health of animal populations. In some cases, camera traps even spot species that are seldom seen by people. In Java, Indonesia, a camera trap spied an adult Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and her newborn calf -- a remarkably rare sighting of the critically endangered species.

Diving Into Underwater Wildlife Photography with Kristi Odom

Diving Into Underwater Wildlife Photography with Kristi Odom

Nikon Ambassador and internationally acclaimed photographer and videographer Kristi Odom joined the PetaPixel Podcast this week to discuss underwater photography. Alongside joining us to talk shop, Odom also separately selected and explained her top three images of 2023, one of which is, perhaps not coincidentally, an underwater photo.

Tarantula Migration images by Devon Matthews and Kristi Odom

Photographers Celebrate One of Nature’s Most Misunderstood Creatures

Every fall, as the days get shorter and colder, a groundswell of tarantulas takes over the landscape of La Junta, Colorado, and the surrounding southeastern Colorado region. Conservation and wildlife photographers Devon Matthews and Kristi Odom were on site this year to document the incredible annual event.

Photos of Florida’s Fight to Protect Threatened Burrowing Owls

Cape Coral, Florida, a city experiencing unprecedented growth. While great for their economy, the economic boom is disastrous for wildlife, especially species that thrive in open, treeless areas. In particular, the burrowing owl population is suffering as its habitat shrinks.

A fox walks in the woods.

Teen Uses Camera to Prevent Paradise From Becoming a Parking Lot

Soren Goldsmith grew up in the backyard of the forest and wetlands of Belmont, Massachusetts. After years of exploring the Mass Audubon’s Habitat Nature Sanctuary and Lone Tree Hill nature preserve, Goldsmith began his nature photography journey five years ago. Today, he advocates for that same land and is expanding his conservation and photography work in college.