Lessons Learned One Month Into My 365 Project

Well, that’s one month in the books for my 365 project. There were some days where the ideas came easy and some nights filled with tears. (Okay not that dramatic.) According to Lightroom, I took 1244 photographs this month.

How To Do A 365 Photo Project Without Failing

I'm a photography addict...and happy to admit it! So how did this addiction take hold? Well, it's all down to something I've been doing every single day for the last eight years: a 365 project. And it still hasn't ended yet!

A Rebuttal, or: How to Succeed at Your 365 Project

The hardest part of a 365 project is the first week. Actually, maybe it’s the first two-three weeks. It’s the period between introducing something new into your life and then making that thing a habit.

How to Fail at Your ‘One Photo a Day’ Project

"365 Days of Photos," "One Photo a Day," "One Shot, One Day," "365 Challenge" – Do these sound familiar to you? Have you ever wanted to take at least one photo a day, every day... and I mean Every. Single. Day?

5 Things I Learned from Doing a 365 Photo Project

365 projects. It seems that most photographers attempt one at least once. It’s a massive commitment, but you can make it easier on yourself and get a lot out of it if you approach it the right way.

At the end of 2014 I made the decision to dedicate 2015 to completing one of these projects.

How a 365 Project Changed My Life

Just over a year ago, photography was my most precious hobby. I really enjoyed it and took photos fairly often, but I felt that if I wanted to take this thing to the next level, I had to do something extraordinary. A couple of days before New Year's Eve I decided to start a "365 days 365 photos" project like so many other photographers before me. It felt like a great idea, and so I just went for it. What could possibly happen?

Creative 365-Day Self-Portrait Project by a 17-Year-Old Photographer

Last October, Portland-based 17-year-old photographer Brendon Burton began an ambitious project in which he committed to creating one self-portrait every day for a year. Now, half a year later, Burton is still going strong and his Flickr photostream is full of beautiful and creative images that document his development as a photographer.