The 360-Degree Bullet-Time Light-Painting Photo Booth at Adobe MAX 2015
For the Adobe MAX 2015 conference in Los Angeles back in October 2015, Adobe invited photographer Eric Paré to create a 360-degree light painting photo booth for attendees to experience.

“It turned into one of the most amazing project I’ve ever accomplished,” Paré says. Here’s a behind-the-scenes video of the project:
The rig was built using 32 DSLR cameras, which were connected to be triggered in perfect sync with one another. Surrounding the photo booth was a dark black tent that helped keep light out.
Nearly 1,000 attendees entered the booth over the 3 days of the conference, creating 4,000 sets of images.
Here are a few of the light-painting bullet-time images that resulted:
Some more results can be found over on Paré’s website.