Russia Unveils ‘Safe Selfies’ Campaign as Death Count Grows


This headline may sound like a piece of satire, but unfortunately it’s not: Russia has just launched a new public safety campaign called “Safe Selfies” to warn citizens of the dangers of taking careless and risky self portraits. Apparently there have been a large number of deaths and injuries in recent days that have been directly caused by selfie-taking.

Police in Russia are reporting that there have been at least 10 deaths and 100 injuries in Russia so far this year that involve selfies.

On its new “Safe Selfies” website, Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs writes that each of the incidents could have been prevented. To make young people more aware of the dangers, the ministry has created an infographic showing dangerous selfie concepts in easy-to-understand icons:


As you can see, it can be hazardous to your health to take selfies within arm’s reach of wild animals, in the path of oncoming trains, while posing with your guns, on busy roads, and while climbing power lines.

“When a person is trying to take a picture of himself, he has scattered attention, he loses his balance, he does not look around, and he does not feel in danger,” the ministry writes. “When taking selfies, make sure you are in a safe place and that your life is not in danger!”

Safe Selfies [Russian Interior Ministry via AP]
