Nikon 6mm f/2.8 Lens for Sale in UK… on Craigslist


Another rare Nikon 6mm f/2.8 fisheye lens is for sale, and this time in a rather unusual place: Craigslist. That’s right, someone around London is selling one of the rarest Nikon lenses through a simple classified listing spotted by one of our readers.

The title of the listing is simply “Nikon 6mm F2.8 Ultra-Fisheye Lens (220 deg.)“:


The seller says that the lens has some minor marks on “the threaded ΒΌ-20 screw inserts,” but the body is otherwise in “perfect shape.” You’ll also get a custom foam carrying case for the lens and the original spec sheet, an instruction manual, and a 30-page repair manual.

Here are the other product photos found in the listing:






There’s no price mentioned, as the seller is currently “awaiting offers” from interested buyers. One of these lenses was listed on eBay in 2010 for $34,000, and another was listed in the UK a couple of years later for $160,000. We’re guessing the owner of this lens knows the value of his gear, but who knows — maybe you can snag yourself a deal!

Nikon 6mm F2.8 Ultra-Fisheye Lens (220 deg.) [Craigslist: London, UK]
