Stunning Photos of 8 Million Flower Petals Raining Down on a Costa Rican Village
When your day involves eight million flower petals, you either have a VERY upset significant other, are St. Valentine himself, or you’re doing a photo shoot for a set of Sony 4K Television ads. Fortunately for photographer Nick Meek, it was the last of those that led to these spectacular shots.
The photo shoot took place over the course of two weeks in a tropical village in Costa Rica, where Meek and filmmaker Jaron Albertin were allowed to unleash a flower petal hurricane of sorts. Flooding the village with almost 3.5 tons of flora, they created a literal flower petal eruption (helped out a bit by some wind machines) that required almost no digital manipulation to look this good.
Here’s the ad:
Forget making the colors pop in post… when you’re working with 8 million flower petals erupting out of a local volcano, you can tell Photoshop to shove it. Oh, and in case you’re wondering how this could have taken two weeks, the answer is ‘prep work.’
Believe it or not, all of the petals were plucked by hand by the creative team and the village inhabitants. Now that you’re sufficiently awed, here are a few more photos that Mr. Meek was kind enough to let us share:
Feature Shoot referred to this as “a visual feast of detail and wonder.” No way I’ll be able to improve on that description…
To see more of Meek’s work, head over to his portfolio by clicking here.
(via Feature Shoot)
Image credits: Photographs by Nick Meek and used with permission