Beautiful Abstract Light Paintings Created With Lighted Swords in Pitch Darkness


If you follow the world of light-painting, you might recall photographer Patrick Rochon from the work he did with Red Bull Illume or his 24×360 collaboration with Eric ParĂ©. His latest project is another solo act, this one a mix between light painting, dancing and martial arts.

The project is called Light Painting KATA, and you should check out the video below for a behind the scenes look at how the strange, beautiful, abstract light paintings come together.

“Our bodies are emitting light and expressing something subtle but important,” explains Rochon in the video’s description. “The Light Painting KATA is the expression of our light and the trace we leave behind.”

In case you’re wondering, KATA is the Japanese word for “way of doing,” “formal exercise” or “training method.” If you’ve taken some form of karate in the past, you might have had to learn and perform a complex “kata” each time you advanced in ranking.

Rochon’s movements don’t seem planned, but the “dances” he performs with his custom-built light swords leads to some interesting results:









To see more of Rochon’s light painting work check out our previous coverage linked above or visit his website by clicking here.

Image credits: Photographs by Patrick Rochon and used with permission
