Photos of Kids Using Pricey DSLR Gear Going Viral in China

If you suffer from gear envy, you might want to skip over this post. Apparently children from wealthy Chinese families these days are traveling with fancy DSLR cameras while on vacation. A person named Liu Li Yang recently published a series of photos over on Chinese social networking service Renren that show a group of tourist children clutching expensive Canon and Nikon DSLRs and lenses.

The sight of young kids strolling around with thousands of dollars worth of camera gear has caused a flurry of discussion on Chinese message boards, causing the photos to go viral. Tens of thousands of people had already shared and viewed the images less than a day after they were posted online.

People are pointing to the images as an example of China’s growing economic clout and of the rapidly growing gap between the rich and the poor.

You can find the entire series of higher-res images over on Renren.

Image credits: Photographs by Liu Li Yang/Renren
