1909 Lincoln Penny Used to Calibrate the Mars Curiosity Rover’s Camera on Mars
Did you know that there’s US currency on Mars? It’s true: when NASA’s Curiosity rover was launched back on November 26, 2011, one of the things it carried with it was a penny from over a century ago. The 1909 Lincoln cent is part of the rover’s onboard calibration target used to check that the cameras are working properly.
Here’s a closer look on the calibration target found on the rover:
On September 7th, the rover used its MHLI camera was used to snap this self-portrait (reminds us of Pixar’s Wall-E):
If you’re wondering why a US penny was chosen — it does seem a bit random, right? — it’s because geologists often put pennies next to rocks to show their relative size. The NASA scientists wanted to hat-tip the field of geology.
And it wasn’t just any old penny, either. It was a special donation by the man in charge of the arm-mounted camera: Ken Edgett. 1909 was the first year Abraham Lincoln pennies were minted, so the penny sent was among the first batches to be made. It’s a special VDB penny, named after Victor David Brenner, who created the design for President Roosevelt.
(via CoinWorld and Doobybrain)
Image credits: Photographs by NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems