Man Leaves $13K Worth of Camera Gear in a NYC Taxi, Gets It Back
A photographer’s worst nightmare happened to YouTube filmmaker Casey Neistat recently. After taking a taxi after a long 18-hour work day and flight, Neistat accidentally forgot all of his luggage — and $13,238.86 worth of camera gear — in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Among the equipment lost was a Canon 5D Mark III kit ($4300), a 24-70mm lens ($1600), and about $550 worth of memory cards — equipment necessary for Neistat to make a living.
He also decided to share the story with the world by creating an op-ed video for the New York Times:
Thus, my fortunes rest on the strength of the moral compass of whoever has found my property. Each time a stranger does the right thing, and returns something to its rightful owner, my faith in humanity is restored.
Thanks for sharing, Neistat — our faith in humanity is restored as well!
Taxi Lost and Found [New York Times]
Image credit: Screenshot from video by Casey Neistat/New York Times