Make a DIY Slide Projector Using an IKEA Lamp
Here’s a cool DIY project, courtesy of creator Derte84 and the folks over at Instructables, for those of you who have a bunch of slides sitting around but no slide projector in sight. Putting the whole thing together will require a little bit of hardware (e.g. you’ll either need the tools to cut the wood yourself or an account with a laser cutting service) but the final product is pretty cool.
As far as materials go you’ll need: an Isbrytare lamp from IKEA (sadly these are discontinued so you’ll have to find one on eBay), vinilic glue, downloadable plans for the slide holder, some 1/8-inch wood and the previously mentioned tools or account required to cut that wood. As you can see there’s not much to it, the filter holder, light source and lens are all included in the lamp.
Once you’ve collected all of your materials and motivation, you can find the step-by-step instructions on putting it all together over on Instructables, including the printable guides for building the slide holder. Happy DIY-ing and don’t hesitate to share your results in the comments down below.