Photos from Earthquake in Haiti, Mobilizing Global Compassion and Action

Update on 12/18/21: This video has been removed by its creator.

The past two days have been filled with increasingly grim news following the catastrophic magnitude 7 earthquake in Haiti. If you had a chance to catch MSNBC’s coverage of the aftermath in the video above, there are some very powerful images.

Boston’s Big Picture also has some extremely moving photographs, which, without words, speak to the devastation and dire need in the small island country.

How to Help

Consider a compassionate donation to reputable charities — but a word of caution: donate DIRECTLY to charities and be wary of scams.

Update: Photographer Lane Hartwell (@lanehartwell) has created a magazine containing powerful photographs from various photojournalists have documented Haiti in the past. It’s being sold on MagCloud, and all proceeds will go to the Red Cross.
