
Send Your Best Images into Photo Battle is a fun little web application that pits two submitted photographs against each other and asks the visitor to vote on which photo they think is better. Of course it's entirely subjective, and photos can be of different types and flavors, but it's an interesting way to see what the general public thinks of your work compared to other photos.

Calculate Your Local Golden Hour

The golden hour in photography is the first or last hour of sunlight in a day that photographers often aim to shoot in, since the sun's position produces a soft and warm light with longer shadows. The Golden Hour Calculator is a useful website that can help you calculate the golden hour(s) for your location, telling you exactly when the sun rises and sets.

SnapHaven Offers Lifetime Guaranteed Photo Storage

Back in September we wrote an article discussing how difficult it is to keep digital photographs safe for a really, really long time. We mentioned that storing your images with a reliable service like Amazon is probably much safer than trying to archive data yourself, since you're probably not an expert at doing so.