How to Shoot Colorful Spirographs with Light Painting Photography

Light Painting Spirograph 03

A spirograph is a geometric drawing toy that produces beautiful mathematical curves by rolling a smaller circle inside a bigger circle. You can create similar patterns using light painting.

Light-painting photographer Jason D. Page made this 7-minute video tutorial showing how it’s done.

You’ll need a light source (Page uses his own products, but any small light should do just fine), a string, and something to hang the light from.

Place a camera under the light, pointing the lens straight up. In a pitch black room, shoot long exposures while the light is swinging back and forth on the string. If you’d like to include multiple colors, simply cover up the camera in between light swaps.

Here are some example photos by Page:

Light Painting Spirograph 01

Light Painting Spirograph 02

Light Painting Spirograph 04

Light Painting Spirograph 05

In addition to being an idea for playing around with light-painting photography, this is also a fun little project you can do with younger children.

Image credits: Video and photographs by Jason D. Page and used with permission
