This Preset Pack Brings Real Dehaze to Lightroom 6.1


When Adobe launched a major Creative Cloud update that brought the powerful new Dehaze slider to Lightroom CC, photographers who had purchased a standalone copy of Lightroom 6 instead of subscribing to Adobe CC didn’t receive the new features.

If that describes you, there’s some great news for you today: your Lightroom 6.1 can have Dehaze as well thanks to a new free preset pack by Prolost.

“Dehaze seems to work by algorithmically separating surface details from shapes, and then estimating depth based on coloration consistent with atmospheric haze,” writes photographer Stu Maschwitz, the founder of Prolost. He believes that Adobe will eventually release Dehaze and the other new features in a paid update to Lightroom 6, but until then, photographers can tap into the feature with presets.

Albuquerque, NM with Dehaze at zero.
Albuquerque, NM with Dehaze at zero.
Same shot, same settings, with Dehaze at +70.
Same shot, same settings, with Dehaze at +70.

The new preset pack doesn’t just mimic the look of Adobe’s Dehaze feature — it actually uses the same functionality in the backend of Lightroom.

“Lightroom 6.1 (perpetual) has the same camera raw innards as Lightroom 2015.1 (CC), including the ability to process the Dehaze adjustment,” Maschwitz explains. “So a photo with Dehaze applied will render correctly in 6.1 (even though the parameter isn’t available), and a preset that changes the Dehaze settings will also work.”

So even though you may not see the Dehaze slider in your copy of Lightroom 6.1, the functionality exists in the software, and Maschwitz’s new presets can help you use it on your photos.

You can download Prolost Dehaze for Lightroom 6.1 for free over in the Prolost online store.

Prolost Dehaze for Lightroom 6.1 [Prolost via Photography Bay]
