One-of-a-Kind Lens Bracelets Made from Vintage Aperture and Focus Rings


Stefaan duPont and his girlfriend set out to travel the world for a year in March 2012, taking their cameras with them and leaving their careers as designers behind. That year served only to intensify duPont’s love of photography, and when he returned, he mixed that love with another of his passions: taking stuff apart.

What resulted was a series of one-of-a-kind vintage camera lens bracelets created using old aperture and focus rings — first made as gifts for family and friends, and now available to purchase.


The bracelets are put together from old, broken camera lenses the duPont has collected over the years, and each is unique. Unfortunately, unique also translates into “not cheap.” The 11 bracelets he currently has up on the newly opened online store range in price from $225 to $290.

But if you think that’ll keep people from buying them, think again: all but 1 one of the bracelets is already sold out.


To check out the bracelets for yourself and keep an eye out as he adds more, head over to duPont’s online store here. And if you want to learn more about his and his girlfriend’s travels around the world (photos and all) check out the trip’s website Mile & Miles by clicking here.

(via Colossal)

P.S. If you want some cheaper lens bracelet options, check out the focal length and ‘pro series‘ rubberized bracelets we covered previously.
