Create a Custom Pencil Holder by Rolling Up Prints of Your Favorite Photo

Want a personalized pencil holder for your workspace that features your photography? Check out this neat “photo-roll holder” idea by Tali Schiffer. The basic ingredients are an empty box and a bunch of duplicate prints of the same photograph. If you roll all of your prints to the same diameter (using a pencil or a paintbrush helps), you can line them up side-by-side to recreate your original photo while creating a loopy wall around your box. Depending on the size of your holder and the diameter of your rolls, you’ll probably need about 10-20 prints for each of the four sides. You can find a step-by-step tutorial for this project over on Photojojo.

P.S. In addition to being a pencil holder, you can also create one of these boxes for holding things like film rolls. It could serve as an “outbox” for rolls that need to be developed.
