The Emperor’s New Gadget: Behold the Effect of Fanboyism on Consumers
Marketing and customer loyalty are two powerful things. They can make minor improvements in gadgets seem great, and major advancements to-die-for. In the world of photography, many camera owners feel strong allegiances to the brand they use, fiercely defending it as their own, and even going on the offensive to belittle other photographers who shoot under a different banner. This kind of customer loyalty does strange things to how the “fanboys” perceive the quality of their camera gear.
Jimmy Kimmel calls the social experiment, “the emperor’s new phone.”
Going back to the camera world, it’ll be interesting to see whether camera makers will start taking a page from Apple’s book to create this same kind of fanboyism. Serious photographers probably wouldn’t be affected as strongly, since they have a stronger interest in the objective quality of gear, but plenty of ordinary consumers — the people who are snapping up DSLRs in droves nowadays — would likely fall under the influence.
(via Doobybrain)