Runway Trained Its Video AI By Scraping Popular Photography YouTubers
The AI video generator Runway used hundreds of YouTube videos to train its latest Gen-3 model with, according to a 404 Media investigation.
The AI video generator Runway used hundreds of YouTube videos to train its latest Gen-3 model with, according to a 404 Media investigation.
The image embargo for the Sony A1 lifted today and as such the first batch of reviews has been published. The camera found its way mainly into the hands of YouTubers, who have pretty unanimously lauded praise on Sony's new flagship.
Over the past few weeks, two separate pieces have been published here on PetaPixel attacking YouTube photographers and camera reviewers. Whether it be this video from Mik Milman, or this latest piece from Bob Locher, the low hanging fruit seems to be the idea that the "general YouTube camera reviewer" has no idea what they're talking about. This is ridiculous, and wrong.
A travel blogging couple from Australia who disappeared suddenly from the Internet in June have been located in a notorious Iranian prison, where they are being detained indefinitely. The couple was apparently arrested by Iranian authorities in July after flying a camera drone without the proper permits.