
The Power of Transitions: A Theory of Landscape Photography:

What makes a great landscape photo, great? Some appreciate an image for its technical prowess or adhering to certain rules. It might be focused correctly and sharp throughout the scene. It could be well-exposed, offering wide dynamic range. Some like to see leading lines or the rule of thirds.

Match Cuts Part 2: How to Create Compelling Transitions

Filmmaker Daniel DeArco is back with the promised Part 2 of his tutorial on creating cool and compelling "match cuts" to up your transition game. In Part 1, he showed you how he captured the three shots that he would be using to create the match cut; in Part 2, he takes us the rest of the way there in post.

Mind-Bending Recursive Illusion Created Using Printed Photographs

Whoa. If you enjoy watching mind-bending concepts that confuse you and make your brain hurt, check out this experimental short by Willie Witte, titled "Screengrab."

Nothing in the video is computer generated trickery: it simply uses clever camera tricks and a whole lotta printed photographs to create the seamless transitions. "All the trickery took place literally in front of the camera," Witte says. See if you can understand what's going on through the entire 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Creative Time-Lapse of Kuala Lumpur Bounces Between Day and Night

If you have two minutes to spare, you've got to check out this time-lapse video by photographer Rob Whitworth. There are plenty of time-lapse projects on the web, but one thing in particular about this one caught out eye: the transitions. Whitworth came up with some of the most creative transitions we've seen so far in a city time-lapse. Scenes bounce between day and night. Shots zoom from one into another. It's like a roller coaster for your eyes.