
The Difficulties One Woman Faced to Become a Photojournalist in Somalia

Breaking through the barriers of cultural and gender norms in Somalia, Fardosa Hussein shares what it took for her to be able to practice what she is passionate about -- photography, videography, and journalism -- in a place where such a career is viewed with hostility and is, at times, dangerous for women.

Photographer Travels the Globe to Capture ‘The World in Faces’

Alexander Khimushin is a Queensland, Australia-based photographer who has been on the road for 9 years. During that span, he visited 84 countries. 10 months out of a year he's on the road shooting photos in remote places. He's currently working on a series titled "The World in Faces."

Woman Becomes a Instagram Celebrity by Sharing a Cheerier Side of Somalia

Somalia is a country that doesn't often get good press. Most headlines about it seem to focus on things like pirates, violence, and political unrest. With media organizations largely ignoring the happier aspects of the country, one woman is taking it upon herself to do so, becoming something of an Instagram celebrity along the way.