
Consumer Drones Unlikely to Inflict Horrible Head Injuries, Study Finds

Researchers at Virginia Tech have been studying the injury risks posed by consumer drones by flying them into dummies' faces, and they've now come to a conclusion. The study found that the risk of a catastrophic head injury was less than 5 percent in an impact with a drone weighing 2.6 lbs (such as the popular DJI Phantom).

When Being a Good Photographer Isn’t Enough

I've met a lot of bitter photographers over the years, especially as high-end cameras have become cheaper and more accessible. They complain that Photographer A gets more work than Photographer B even though Photographer B's work is clearly better; or that Photographer C doesn't get any work even though their work is the best of the three (Side Note: often times the photographer complaining IS Photographer C).

What these people don't realize is that, sadly, success often has little to do with talent and a lot more to do with personality. I don't mean that you have to be likable either, there are a ton of successful people that could easily be described as horrible human beings. What I mean is that you have to be motivated, unafraid and adventurous.